Is it possible to speed up the training process in Deep Learning?
“Artificial Intelligence has arrived to stay!” You may have heard this over the past years several times, and it’s right. However, we are not...
Lemmatization vs Stemming
Almost all of us use a search engine in our daily working routine, it has become a key tool to get our tasks done. However, with each minute the...
Differences between Polarity and Topic-Based Sentiment Analysis
From a business perspective, there is a huge difference between plain polarity and topic-based sentiment analysis (also known as aspect-based...
Automatic IAB tagging enables now semantic ad targeting
Our Text Classification API supports IAB’s standard contextual taxonomy, enabling content tagging in compliance with this model in large volumes and...
On the Stanford parser (and Bitext parser)
In some of our recent talks, colleagues have asked us about the Stanford parser and how it compared to Bitext technology (namely at our last...